Work performed 2015

Work performed 2015

      1. Dec.
        • JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science Delivery of parts for RVT rotary experimental vehicle
        • Company K Delivery of parts for water flow visualisation
        • Attendance at the Supersonic Passenger Plane Study Group.
        • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
      2. November.
        • JAXA Aeronautical Engineering Division powered model test rig meeting
        • Attendance at the Supersonic Business Jet Aircraft Study Group.
        • JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Drag Chute Refurbishment for RVT Rotation Experimental Vehicle.
        • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
      3. Oct.
        • NHK "Chozen: Chozen, Toute Waza!"broadcast
          NHK総合「超絶 凄ワザ!」(2015年10月放送)で放映された、あの竹とんぼのCADデータを公開!
        • JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, delivery of a flying object wind-test model.
        • Company K Delivery of a trial model of a sirocco fan wind turbine made by optical moulding.
        • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
      4. September.
        • Attendance at the Supersonic Business Jet Aircraft Study Group.
        • Company M, meeting to discuss production of all-metal wind-test models and stings.
        • JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science Delivery of wind test components for the RVT rotary experimental vehicle.
        • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
      5. August.
        • Design of curved composite specimens using photolithographic honeycomb cores.
        • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
      6. July.
        • Kubota Corporation, delivery of two sets of water flow experimental equipment.
        • Visualisation SymposiumLecture at.
        • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
      7. June.
        • Wind tunnel testing of small light-moulded flying objects at the Tokyo Metropolitan University.
        • Attendance at the Supersonic Business Jet Study Group.
        • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
      8. May.
        • JAXA Aeronautics Directorate, Production of a photo-fabricated vortex generator for semi-cut models.
        • Tohoku University, 2D wing plasma actuator test model fabricated by optical fabrication (multi-point pressure measurement specification).
        • JAXA Space Research Institute, RVT Recovery Mechanism Evaluation Test Bed.
          JAXA宇宙研様 RVT回収機構評価テストベッドの製作JAXA宇宙研様 RVT回収系評価用模型
        • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
      9. April.
        • JAXA Aeronautics Directorate, Study of photo-fabricated flaps for semi-cut models.
        • JAXA Space Research Institute Structural design of an experimental aircraft for return flight experiments.
        • Participation in the HondaJet Japan visit flight event.
        • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
      10. Mar.
        • Patented Sandwich panels with light-formed honeycomb.
        • Low-noise aerodynamic devices for wind test models, JAXA Aeronautics Directorate
        • JAXA Space Research Institute RVT actual surface pressure measurement system
          JAXA宇宙研様 再使用観測ロケット用表面圧力計測部
        • JAXA Space Research Institute RVT flight test vehicle airframe design (all metal)
        • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
      11. February
        • Aircraft leg model (pressure measurement) made by optical fabrication, JAXA Aeronautics Division.
        • JAXA Aeronautics Directorate Jet Engine Simulator Design Study
        • JAXA Space Research Institute RVT flight test vehicle outfitting study
        • JAXA Space Research Institute Recovery mechanism for RVT Flight Experiment Vehicle
        • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
      12. Jan.
        • Tokyo Metropolitan University 2D airfoil model for wind tunnel testing (optical modelling)
        • University of Tokyo Wind test wing model with PIV & pressure measurement (optical modelling)
        • JAXA Space Research Institute Reusable Observation Rocket Wind Test Model (optical modelling)
        • Tottori University 2D wing tip plate test model (optical moulding & acrylic)
        • other (esp. people and abstract matters)


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