Business results 2019

Work performed 2019

    1. Dec.
      • JAXA Space Research Institute (JAXA) Design and production of outer panels for the RV-X reusable rocket.
      • JAXA Aerospace Research Laboratory Delivery of measurement equipment for spacecraft wind tunnel testing.
      • Lightweight, highly rigid structural design for special-purpose drones using in-house developed patented technology.
      • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
    2. November.
      • JAXA Space Research Institute Kick-off of reusable rocket RV-X outer skin structure fabrication
      • Domestic car manufacturer Design and production of large wind tunnel test models Discussion
      • Tottori University wind tunnel facility tour and wind tunnel test model discussions
      • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
    3. Oct.
      • JAXA Space Research Institute Wind tunnel test model meeting for spacecraft turnaround test
      • JAXA Aerospace Research Laboratory, multi-point pressure measurement projectile model (modified version), delivered.
      • Aeroplane symposium 'Wind tunnel test model design methods using 3D printing' Lecture
      • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
    4. September.
      • JAXA Space Research Institute, reusable rocket RV-X, top frame assembly completed.
      • Delivery of a wind tunnel test model of an entire spaceplane to JAXA's Aerospace Research Laboratory.
      • Central Taiwan Large Wind Turbine Operational Status Survey.
      • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
    5. August.
      • JAXA Space Research Institute (JAXA ISAS) Additional work (2nd time) and reassembly of the structure of the reusable launch vehicle RV-X completed.
      • JAXA Aeronautical Research Institute, Japan Successful bidder: wind tunnel test model of a passenger aircraft main landing gear.
      • In-house product development Metal blades for flying robots Basic development plan formulated
      • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
    6. July.
      • JAXA Space Research Institute Delivery of jigs for reusable rocket RV-X fuselage structure system assembly.
      • Delivery of experimental metal turbine blades for JAXA Aerospace Research Laboratory.
      • Domestic car manufacturer Delivery of light-forming four-wheel wind tunnel test model.
      • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
    7. June.
      • JAXA Space Research Institute Additional construction and assembly of the reusable launch vehicle RV-X completed.
      • Space One Corporation Delivery of a wind tunnel test model of a rocket experimental aircraft.
      • Delivery of electric turbine test rig for wind tunnel testing to JAXA Aeronautical Research Laboratory.
      • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
    8. May.
      • JAXA Space Research Institute Delivery of reusable rocket RV-X fuselage assembly jigs.
      • Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation Promotion of NDA conclusion
      • Saito Seisakusho Delivery of a resin 3D printed rotor blade model.
      • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
    9. April.
      • JAXA Space Research Institute Reusable Launch Vehicle RV-X Kick-off meeting for new year operations
      • JAXA Space Research Institute Reusable Rocket RV-X Structural component machining
      • Delivery of a resin 3D printed wind tunnel test model of a rocket experimental vehicle to JAXA Space Research Institute.
      • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
    10. Mar.
      • JAXA Aerospace Research Laboratory Delivery of resin 3D printed aerodynamic drag reduction device.
      • JAXA Space Research Institute Re-use rocket RV-X Re-assembly after structural modification of the fuselage.
      • Delivery of a resin 3D printed wind tunnel test model of an entire spaceplane to JAXA's Aerospace Research Laboratory.
      • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
    11. February~ Tokyo Ryuken 11th term begins.
      • Delivery of a resin 3D printed wind tunnel test model to Tokyo University of Science.
      • JAXA Space Research Institute Disassembly work for the refurbishment of the reusable rocket RV-X
      • Toshiba Delivery of resin 3D printed static airfoil components for wind tunnel testing.
      • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
    12. Jan.
      • (Delivery of electric rotor blade experimental equipment to Honda R&D Co.
      • Toshiba Delivery of resin 3D printed wind tunnel test model.
      • JAXA Aerospace Research Laboratory Delivery of resin 3D-printed glider-type measuring device.
      • other (esp. people and abstract matters)

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