Work performed 2020

Operational results 2020

    1. Dec.
      • Fuel cell stacks Pressure-resistant structure study and strength analysis
      • Joint development Design of lightweight and rigid structures for drones (metal 3D-Printing)
      • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
    2. November.
      • JAXA Space Research Institute Delivery of reusable rocket hull parts
      • Joint development Specialised drone blade design (metal 3D-Printing)
      • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
    3. Oct.
      • PD Aerospace Delivery of all aircraft models for wind tunnel test models
      • JAXA Aerospace Research Laboratory Delivery of new device for aircraft leg wind tunnel test model.
      • JAXA Aerospace Research Laboratory Delivery of resistance-reducing device made of resin 3D-Printing.
      • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
    4. September.
      • JAXA joint patent Foreign application procedures completed.
      • JAXA Space Research Institute Submission of a study on the modification of parts of the actual vehicle body of the reusable rocket RV-X.
      • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
    5. August.
      • Space One Corporation Rocket Airframe Component Strength and Rigidity Design Document Delivery
      • Wind turbine blades Summary of design and testing processes using 3D-Printing.
      • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
    6. July.
      • University of Tokyo Next generation wind tunnel test model specifications submitted.
      • Tokyo Ryuken establishes new logo.
      • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
    7. June.
      • Industrial machinery manufacturer, Design document for high-performance blades for drones, Delivered.
      • CATIA 2020 model upgrade
      • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
    8. May.
      • Domestic industrial machinery manufacturer Kick-off meeting for joint development of flying robots (drones)
      • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
    9. April.
      • Automobile company Delivery of a four-wheeled vehicle body wind-test model for transport.
      • Automobile company, consulting on wind tunnel testing of flying vehicles, completed.
      • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
    10. Mar.
      • Delivery of a leg model for wind tunnel testing to JAXA Aeronautical Research Institute.
      • JAXA Aerospace Research Laboratory Delivery of devices for leg models
      • JAXA Aerospace Research Laboratory Request for additional resin 3D-Printing flight model Delivery
      • Automobile company Request for consideration of large drone development.
      • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
    11. February
      • JAXA Space Research Institute Design and production of outer panels for the re-usable rocket RV-X.
      • other (esp. people and abstract matters)
    12. Jan.
      • JAXA Space Research Institute Reusable Rocket Wind Tunnel Test Model Delivery
      • Domestic car manufacturer Delivered plasma actuator wind tunnel test model
      • Waseda University Faculty of Science and Engineering Delivery of metal 3D printed wind tunnel test models.
      • other (esp. people and abstract matters)

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